Turkey Trot Training: Run #4 Confidence is Coming

After my horrible run the other day in the cold wind, I jumped back out there today ready to redeem myself. And redeem myself I did! My first mile was much better than the other day. My music was working, my legs were strong, and my breathing improved. I was able to find a comfortable pace and keep moving forward. I guess one could say I had…

“Relentless Forward Motion”

While my body reminded me that I still have more training to do to be ready for the five mile run on Thanksgiving, I could feel my confidence coming back. With every step forward I was able to envision myself running farther and farther. It helped that I challenged my old time again and again my “Little Virtual Trainer” gave me “race” updates. This time she congratulated me when I had passed the “competition” by saying, “Your competition has fallen behind, great job!” There is something about that little voice that just makes me giggle. She actually has a bit of a British accent and it makes me smile.


As I finished the first mile, I was still “ahead of the competition”. I ended the first mile with an 11:42 min/mile pace. I knew I was going faster than the wind run but I was really not expecting that much faster. This is where the confidence started to build. I was able to keep pushing during the second mile. The second mile, I was comfortable in my pace and relaxed. I tried not to focus too much on how much farther I had to go or too much on technique. I just wanted to finally be able to enjoy a run.

At the end of the second mile I was tired but not exasperated. I ran 2.1 miles at an average pace of 11:42 min/mile in 24:09minutes. That is a whole four minutes faster than the wind run the other day and two minutes faster than Training Run #2! It was a great feeling to know that I was able to challenge myself and win. That is the thing about running. Even if you have a running partner, or run with a group, your real competition is YOU! Even if you never win a race, there are always personal records to break. I am no where near my fastest mile but because I have done it before, I know that I can do it again.

What personal bests are you trying to break? Join the conversation…

If you missed Turkey Trot Training Run#1-3 you can find them on the Team Fit Mommy Website here:
Finally Running Again
Turkey Trot Training Run #2
Turkey Trot Training Run #3: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Finally Running Again: How a Beautiful Fall Day Inspired Me to Run

It seems that it takes the fall to be in full swing for me to get myself in gear and start training. It was at this time last year that I decided to embark on training for my first ever five mile Turkey Trot. So just in time for the cooler weather to give me every excuse to not get out of bed in the morning and go run, I decide let’s do it again! Fortunately, this weekend was beautiful. So when my husband asked me what I wanted to do and my mother in law so graciously wanted to visit with the kids, I said “Let’s go for a run!” He was a little surprised and admittedly I was also a bit surprised that those words came out of my mouth. I mean, who decides to go for a run on the most beautiful fall day that happens to be the first time in forever that you and your husband have a babysitter? Yup, ME!


So we dropped the kids off at his moms and made our way to the trail to get in a quick run. The trail was full of all kinds of people riding bikes and running, walking and enjoying the day. We parked at the top of what is called “The 100 Stairs” and started from there. In order to get to the path we had to descend the stairs so that was a mild warm up. We stretched at the bottom and got going. Considering I had not been running in about two months, I decided to keep the pace light and easy. Immediately, I knew that this was not going to be the “easy” run I thought it might be. My legs were screaming at me to stop but the beauty of the day, my heart and my head said keep going. On top of that, as we were running, my father-in-law appeared on the path coming towards us. He was in the midst of his 7 or 8 mile run but decided to change course and join us. So here I am running with my husband and his father. There was no way I was going to stop running and walk. I determined that it didn’t matter how slow I went I was going to keep going. There was a point at which they were barely in my view but I told my husband to keep going and I would catch up. They reached the turn around a minute or three ahead of me and we reconnected to head back to the stairs. My father in law ran ahead to keep his pace and my husband jogged along with me. I told him to keep his pace but he decided to hang in there with me. He was conserving his energy so he could run those stairs.


The beauty of the day was matched by the fact that I ran 2.34 miles in 33:50. That was an average speed of 4.1mph and an average pace of 14:29min/mi. I am proud of those numbers as a restarting point. I intend to run for the rest of the fall to train for a 5 mile Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving in November. What is encouraging about my first run of the fall is that I know that with a few more runs under my belt I will be back in stride in no time. I am grateful that my husband is so supportive and that is what “Team Fit Mommy” is all about!

I will be writing updates on my progress until I run the race in November. Come back and check my progress. Are you training for an upcoming race? Join the conversation, tell us about your training.

Can a Walk Be as Good as a Run?

Yesterday I decided I and my children needed to get out of the house. It was mostly a mommy trick to tire them out in hopes they might take a nap. No luck on the nap but we did walk 2.39 miles. I was amazed that my three year old was able to keep pace the entire way with out needing break. (Except for the moments of wonderment like picking up fall leaves or noticing some mums along the way…) However, the walk got me thinking. Can a long walk have the same benefits as a run?

Some believe that a walk actually can be better than a run because it is less harsh on your joints and you reap the same benefits of building endurance, muscles and strengthening your heart. I know that running enthusiasts may be thinking, “Nothing beats a good run.” Yet, I realized it took almost the same amount of self motivation to go for that distance with a two year old and a three year old in tow. It took more effort to hold a little one’s hand while pushing a jogging stroller. Ultimately, it was a better experience because I got to share it with my children.

As parents, sometimes we are so busy figuring out how to get things done without our little ones we forget that by including them in our daily routines we are teaching them valuable lessons of self-discipline, consistency and a healthy lifestyle. So the next time you are thinking of reasons why you can’t exercise, slow down and consider talking a walk with your kids. It can be a time of bonding and discovery that you both will treasure!

How do you involve your children in your fit lifestyle? Join the conversation. Leave a comment! Subscribe to Team Fit Mommy for more fitness and family fun! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest for daily fitness motivation.

Running with No Music

Yesterday was a beautiful but crisp Sunday morning. So, before my kids woke and required my full attention I jumped up and got out the door for a run. Several things happened in my haste to get out the door. One, I only put on a tank top and a sweatshirt. Two, I didn’t charge my phone all the way and Three, I forgot my ear buds!!! I knew that after I started moving number one would not matter that much but two and three were almost enough for me to turn around and go home.


I didn’t really want to be out there. As a matter of fact the last thing I said to my husband before I left was ” I don’t feel like doing this but…” It was cold and when I made it to the track and realized that I really wanted some music to help me along. There were two choices and I chose to just keep going.


As I ran along, I realized that running with no music can be a great way to get focused and balanced. During the week, life can take everything out of us. It could be work commitments or family obligations or some other thing that has sucked the life out of your week. However, a good run can change your perspective. It may not change any of the situations but it can change your mind.

As I ran with no music, I began listening to my own thoughts. I was amazed at how many thoughts I had that told me to stop and quit. My mind was battling my body over and over again. I had to force my mind to quiet itself and focus on my surroundings, my breathing, my footsteps, my heartbeat. Anything but the fact that I had run less than a mile and I wanted to stop.

After I completed the first mile I started to feel a little better about being out there. I realized that the soundtrack for my run had little to do with the music I would have listened to as a barrier to my discomfort. I realized that feeling the discomfort and thinking through it was helping me to become stronger.


I am thankful for those moments of peaceful surrender to my mind and body. As I continue to train, I can’t say that I will always run without music because sometimes that is the best way to push past the pain. I will say that over the next few weeks I will consider leaving my ear buds home a few more times and just enjoy the run!

Do you run with or with out music? What is some of your favorite music to run to? Leave a Comment!

Subscribe to the Team Fit Mommy Website for great fitness information for the entire family and Follow Team Fit Mommy on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest for more daily inspiration!

Here I GO AGAIN!… Let’s Run!


I trained and trained and this past November I ran in my first five mile Turkey Trot! I felt great and confident and unstoppable! And then came this never ending winter and I lost all of my momentum.  So what did I do? I signed up to run in my first ever TEN Miler, the Broad Street Run… I am still in a small state of denial that I have signed up to do this. Despite the fact that I have only run a few times this entire winter, despite the fact that I have never run this far in my life, and despite the fact that I now have about six weeks to train and be ready, there is something in me that wont let me change my mind.

challenge your limits

So what is my plan to accomplish this new goal? I have been trying to find the motivation. I have pushed my self out the door to go for a run and so far I have not been able to create the consistency I know it will take to complete this run. I have had a friend invite me to the gym, I have made a public announcement on Facebook that I am doing this and yet I still have not been on more than a few runs so far… So this is what I am going to do.

First, I am going to stop worrying about failing. Worrying will not create the strength and determination I need to get this done. Between now and May, when the run occurs, I will have many small failures along the way. What I realize is that the only real failure will be if I don’t try.

Second, I am going to take one day at a time. Being a wife and a mom makes every day different and sometimes challenging. So if I don’t make it out the door to run I will not beat myself up but I will find a way to train at home. Endurance does not always come from miles and miles of running… I have become so much stronger  by doing some other types of training along the way.

Third, I will believe that I can do this! Believing in yourself has the power to transform a dream into reality, a vision into a plan and a thought into an action.  Nothing great ever happens without belief in one’s ability to accomplish a goal.  So what I have never run ten miles before. So what I have not run as much as I would like to feel comfortable about this…  I believe that I can do it and I will!

Here I go again… Running might not be my first love, but I love challenging my mind and body to do something I didn’t think I could do.

What new fitness goals do you have? Join the conversation and leave a comment.
We are excited to announce that Team Fit Mommy has expanded to an full website! Check out all of the great new content at TeamFitMommy.com You can also follow Team Fit Mommy on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest for more daily inspiration and motivation!

Running My First Thanksgiving Turkey Trot

“The miracle is not that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start. – John Bingham”

This year I have so many things to be thankful for. I have a loving, supportive husband, two beautiful and healthy children and fifty pounds lost that I hope to never find again! With all of that, one would think that there was nothing else to be grateful for but I am ever so thankful that I made the decision to challenge myself and take on running in my first ever five mile “Turkey Trot”.

I trained for six weeks. When I started I could barely run a half mile and the thought of running five miles was really only a dream. Yet, when the day arrived, although mildly nervous I was confident that I had trained and prayed enough to be able to finish this challenge strong. The race began at 9:00 am in a picturesque area of Philadelphia’s Fairmount Park called Forbidden Drive. There were hundreds of people who signed up to run and the air was full of anticipation.


First and foremost in my mind was the fact that I had my husband drag our three year old and our 17 month old out in the frigid weather to support me. After I made sure they were sufficiently bundled up, (Mommy duties never rest…) I was able to focus on stretching a little before the race began. The event was truly a family affair with my husband and children there. In addition, my father in law lent his support by running with me! I was extremely happy to have a running partner to get me through the run, as I had never run a full five miles before.

” Before every run is a race between your mind and an excuse. Win it!”

At the start I was confident. I told my father in law who is a half marathoner, I was taking it slow and easy. There were all kinds of people out there running: entire families, young and old and a variety of fitness levels. Although it was a race and the mayor was there to present awards to the top three finishers, the only race I was running was against myself. I turned on my running app to keep track of the miles and the time and we were off!


We were in the middle of the pack, which made for a slow start but once we got moving we were able to get a steady pace going. Somewhere around the one mile mark my father in law pulled away from me but I just kept my steady pace. He came back and got me and we made the 2.5 mile turn around together. Let me just say, when you are cold and a bit nervous it is inevitable that having to go to the bathroom is going to happen. I don’t know if I was happier to see the turn around or the bathroom!

On the way back to the finish line I took the time to text my husband and tell him we were on our way back and then I fixed my mind on finishing strong without stopping. My breathing was still good, my legs still felt strong, and I was beginning to sense that feeling of accomplishment with every step closer to the finish line. When I saw the four mile marker my excitement grew because I knew was in the final leg of completing something that I would have never dreamed of being able to do a year ago. At the 4.5 mile mark, a police officer gave some encouragement to my father in law in the form of a “way to go sir”. I found it kind of humorous that that the encouragement was offered to the marathoner who runs that same path a few times per week, while I, the newbie was given a slight nod of the head. Never judge what a person can do based on age or appearances because little did that officer know, my father in law was keeping pace with me as my support even though he could have left me in the dust.


When we crested the final incline I could see the tents at the finish line. Immediately I began looking for my husband and my kids so I could share the moment with them. As the finish line came into full view, I caught the attention of my daughter who broke free from her dad and ran out to meet me with a big smile and a hug. All the weeks of getting up early, running in the cold, falling and injuring my knees, pushing myself beyond my mental and physical limits to become a runner were instantly worth it when I crossed that line. As I crossed the finish line hand in hand with my daughter on her third birthday, I was overwhelmed by how blessed I really am.


I faced the physical and mental challenge and I completed the race in one hour and twelve minutes. As we end this year and enter a new one challenge yourself to accomplish a new fitness goal. While we were running my father in law asked me to complete a half marathon with him in the spring… What new activity would you like to accomplish?


Follow Team Fit Mommy on WordPress on Facebook, Pinterest, and @TeamFitMommy on Twitter!

A New Season, Time to Make a Comeback

Every season I like to make an assessment of where I am and where I’d like to be. Fall is a great time to reassess because it is the final quarter of the year. Whether you have had a great year or a rocky year thus far, you can always make a plan to be better. I am a football fan and nothing is greater than a fourth quarter comeback! Designing your comeback is easy. Executing your comeback is the challenge. Every great player or team has a coach who helps guides them to victory! Let these simple ideas be your coach to your fourth quarter comeback!

First, set a goal or a few goals. Don’t try to accomplish too much too fast. This is a three month plan to gaining a healthy lifestyle and your success. When you are trying to gain a healthy lifestyle it is important to look at what you are eating and what you are doing.
Create an eating plan which includes at least four small meals and two snacks daily. It sounds like a lot of food but once you start eating this way you will find that it’s easy and you are never hungry.
What you eat is as important as how much you eat. Your meals should consist of lean protein, vegetables, and whole grains.

MyPlate.gov is an excellent resource to help you determine portion size. In addition to watching what you eat, cutting out sugary drinks including fruit juices and adding more water to your diet will aid you in your journey.

As important to your eating plan is your exercise plan. Exercise will help you develop overall fitness. A quality plan includes a minimum of three exercise session per week. You want to combine cardio and strength training in your plan. Keep in mind that you don’t have to spend hours in the gym to achieve your goals. Thirty to forty-five minutes per day five days per week is more than enough. Try to find an activity that you enjoy. Walking, jogging, running, skating, swimming, Zumba, hooping… If you find something you enjoy you are more likely to continue doing it. Going for a walk everyday is a great way to start. Some people go all out when they start and end up losing steam because it’s not sustainable. Consistency is the key to long term success.
Staying committed to your goals is a winning strategy. You can finish this quarter strong and stage the comeback of the year!

Try this workout to jump start your plan!


Remember to be fit and have fun! For daily fitness inspiration like us on Facebook: TeamFit Mommy

RUNNING ~ Week Five, Day Three: Keep Running!

It finally happened… I FELL! The other day I talked about the challenges of running on city streets and today I met one of those challenges face to face! I was just starting to get into a flow. I was thinking about why I always feel like I’m dying the first mile of my run, I noticed a car pulling up to the corner, I was trying to decide if I was going to go straight or cross the street and then…. I tripped on an uneven patch of pavement and DOWN I WENT! I was so alarmed that I jumped up and kept running!

I knew my knees were scuffed up a little but I didn’t even stop to find out how badly until I reached the next corner. The damage wasn’t bad so I kept going. As I jogged, my knees kind of tingled from pain but I determined that I wasn’t going to turn around. I hadn’t even gotten a mile in yet. In my head I kept hearing, “Keep Running”! So I continued on to the track. Oddly, the adrenaline rush I got from the fall propelled me to a slightly faster first mile time than I had all week.


When I got to the track I noticed that I had a Facebook message on my phone from my lifestyle mentor Dr. Ian Smith! It was just what I needed to take my mind off of falling, off of being in pain, off of wanting to quit! At that point I was inspired to keep going and finish strong!
As I mentioned the other day, every day as a runner is different. There’s always something new to challenge your drive and enthusiasm. I am finding that if you continue to push on and persevere you can overcome anything!


Today I overcame not wanting to run today, falling, injury, and just plain wanting to stop and go home. I ran 3.01 miles and walked .91 today. As far as I’m concerned I’m very proud of myself for continuing despite the obstacles I faced. When I came home I put some ice on my knees and marveled at the runner that I have become.


As you continue on your journey, let me inspire you to not give up despite the obstacles you face. Keep going until you reach your goals. Take one step at a time and you will get there! Just KEEP RUNNING! Have you ever faced an obstacle that you had to overcome? What was it and how did you overcome it?

Follow TeamFitMommy on WordPress, on Facebook, on Twitter , on Pinterest and on BlogHer! Have a FIT & FUN Day!

RUNNING ~ Week Four, Day Three: Anything Is Possible!

I must admit when I started this week with a declaration that I was going to run three times this week, I only half believed me. Today I can say ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE IF YOU BELIEVE! I kind of surprised myself when I woke up at 6am and my first thought was “let me get ready for my run”. I didn’t immediately get up but the thought was there!

When I started this little adventure four weeks ago, I could only imagine feeling like this. Today it was cold but sunny, which made the first mile beautiful but a little challenging. Yet once I was able to control my breathing and convince myself that my legs were not falling off, I was able to surpass what I had hoped to accomplish today.

I had an unspoken goal of completing four miles by the end of this week. It was unspoken because I still had that little nagging feeling that I couldn’t do it! Once I ran three miles the other day, I began to think maybe it was possible. At the three mile mark on my run today I had to make a decision. Was I going to stop where I was comfortable or was I going to push my boundaries one more time?


I made the decision to keep going… As I continued to run, I was thinking

Why am I doing this? Three miles is far enough… You still have to walk almost another mile to get back home!

Let me say the conversations you have with yourself in your head are the most important ones you have on a daily basis! No matter what anyone else says, if you are telling yourself negative information you will never believe.

So… I kept going, thinking “I will just run three and a half miles and stop.” Then this song came on iTunes Radio – “Nothing Is Impossible” by Planetshakers.

“Nothing Is Impossible”
Through You,
I can do anything,
I can do all things,
For it’s You who give me strength,
Nothing is impossible
Through You,
Blind eyes are opened,
Strongholds are broken,
I am living by faith,
Nothing is impossible!
I’m not gonna live by what I see,
I’m not gonna live by what I feel
Deep down I,
Know that You’re here with me
I know that, You can do anything
I believe, I believe,
I believe, I believe in You

I had never hear the song before but the words resonated with what I was trying to accomplish! ( A good playlist can work miracles for your workout…) Ultimately I ran 4.23 miles and walked another .91 miles.

I started this journey because I encouraged others to do some type of physical activity like a “Turkey Trot”. The Fairmount Park Turkey Trot is in 20 days, I haven’t registered yet but I will because I know ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

Is there something you keep telling yourself is impossible? Tell yourself you can do it and accomplish YOUR goals! What goals will you set for yourself for next week? Leave a comment!

Follow Team Fit Mommy on WordPress, on Facebook, on Twitter on Pinterest and NOW on BlogHer!

Inspired to RUN!

When I think about running INSPIRED is not usually the first word I think of… As a contributor for the site FE-Media, I wrote a post in which I talked about ways to stay fit through out the fall and the upcoming holiday season. One of the ways I discuss is participating in a Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot. In my city this is a five mile run through Fairmount Park. This got me thinking… Don’t just talk about it, BE about it! So, I embarked on a six week plan to ready myself to complete this run.

I purchased new running shoes at the end of the summer, I informed my husband of my plan, and downloaded the Runtastic app! That Monday I drove to the track and began to work! The first day I walked two laps and ran two laps and then walked one then ran one then walked one more and ran one more… Over all I ran a mile that day and completed two! Yay me… I ran three days that week and each day I increased my continuous run until I reached one mile.

On my third run day I was not really motivated to run but I forced myself to get it done. My plan was to have my husband drop me off at the track, run my mile and walk home as my cool down… Well when I got there, the football team was in the midst of a game which meant no track for me. So I determined I was still going to get my run in. My husband and children dropped me off, I did my warm up stretches and I ran home! Every step was a confidence booster and I was very proud that I made it one whole mile without stopping.

The next week was not as gratifying. I was able to run a mile and a half on my first run day but as it turned out it would be my ONLY run day that week. So here I am in week three of my six week plan. I am still inspired to run although I have no runs under my belt this week. However, writing this piece is cathartic and is inspiring me to get it done tomorrow at all costs. It is my hope that one day maybe I will wake up at five or six am throw on my running shoes and bound out the door full of desire and energy to get it done! Until then I will keep pushing myself to do just one more run… Maybe just maybe that one more run will be the one that inspires someone else to RUN!


Follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest for daily fitness inspiration and information!