Is it What You Are Eating or Is it What’s Eating You?

Losing Weight

Often when we struggle with things like our weight, it is not really about the weight. The weight is often a symptom of some under lying issue that we need to address. It could be a lack of self control, a medical issue, depression, or an unaddressed hurt. Whatever it is, if you challenge yourself to address it, you will see the results you are looking for. Here are some steps to take:
1. Stop Relying on Your Own Strength: God is the one who made you so God is the One who can strengthen you. Pray and ask for His Love to surround you, His Strength to uphold you and His Wisdom to Guide you. Stop using will power and use His Power!
2. Stop Trying to Do it On Your Own: Isolation is not your friend. Reach out to others for their help. Find a friend or a support group to hold you accountable to your goals. Whether you choose an online group or an in person group or just one person that you can call when you need to talk, find someone to support your goals and help you reach them.
3. Take One Step at a Time: Often we want to see 50 lbs. come off in a week knowing that it did not go on in a week. Take the first step then take the next and then the next. Before you know it you will be running along and will have reached your goal. If you don’t know where to start try drinking more water everyday, going for a walk everyday or making one healthy food choice everyday. If you can do all three even better. One step leads to the next and you will find success at the end of your road. You can DO this!