Turkey Trot Training: Run #4 Confidence is Coming

After my horrible run the other day in the cold wind, I jumped back out there today ready to redeem myself. And redeem myself I did! My first mile was much better than the other day. My music was working, my legs were strong, and my breathing improved. I was able to find a comfortable pace and keep moving forward. I guess one could say I had…

“Relentless Forward Motion”

While my body reminded me that I still have more training to do to be ready for the five mile run on Thanksgiving, I could feel my confidence coming back. With every step forward I was able to envision myself running farther and farther. It helped that I challenged my old time again and again my “Little Virtual Trainer” gave me “race” updates. This time she congratulated me when I had passed the “competition” by saying, “Your competition has fallen behind, great job!” There is something about that little voice that just makes me giggle. She actually has a bit of a British accent and it makes me smile.


As I finished the first mile, I was still “ahead of the competition”. I ended the first mile with an 11:42 min/mile pace. I knew I was going faster than the wind run but I was really not expecting that much faster. This is where the confidence started to build. I was able to keep pushing during the second mile. The second mile, I was comfortable in my pace and relaxed. I tried not to focus too much on how much farther I had to go or too much on technique. I just wanted to finally be able to enjoy a run.

At the end of the second mile I was tired but not exasperated. I ran 2.1 miles at an average pace of 11:42 min/mile in 24:09minutes. That is a whole four minutes faster than the wind run the other day and two minutes faster than Training Run #2! It was a great feeling to know that I was able to challenge myself and win. That is the thing about running. Even if you have a running partner, or run with a group, your real competition is YOU! Even if you never win a race, there are always personal records to break. I am no where near my fastest mile but because I have done it before, I know that I can do it again.

What personal bests are you trying to break? Join the conversation…

If you missed Turkey Trot Training Run#1-3 you can find them on the Team Fit Mommy Website here:
Finally Running Again
Turkey Trot Training Run #2
Turkey Trot Training Run #3: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

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